tridimage speaker at +CTG Latin American Communication Summit


Cartagena, the Latin American Communication Summit, + Creativity, + Innovation + Marketing, will be held from 3 to 5 October in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

The +Cartagena summit is the expected and obligatory event to learn about the most representative advances of the creative and content industry in the region because it unites in a single space sector managers, content experts, creatives, producers, media and marketing professionals around the latest global trends in communication, creativity, innovation and marketing.

Hernán Braberman, Executive Design Director of tridimage, has been invited to give the lecture “The end of packaging as we know it…and I feel good”. In a world that is constantly becoming digital, taking advantage of Augmented Reality allows a bridge to be built between the physical and the digital, overcoming the limits of the brand experience. In this context, packaging acquires a new and fascinating role as a means of communication in its own right. How will Augmented Reality change the world of packaging?


The academic content of +Cartagena will be developed around four thematic axes: People, Culture and Society; Brands and Marketing; Creativity and Innovation; and Media, Channels and Platforms.

The list of renowned guest speakers covers the thematic axes that touch on all fields of communication, marketing, media and general business today.


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